Dr. Massimiliano. Marzialli
The FemTouch treatment is fast and safe. This is the future of vaginal health.
Dr. Shweta Virmani
The LightSheer DESIRE is an effective and fast device which has delivered tremendous results with my patients. With the HS handpiece, I can treat large body areas in a short span of time. My patients are very happy with the comfortable and painless treatment. It’s an easy to go device and is perfect for both large & small body areas. I’m so happy to choose LightSheer DESIRE as my perfect aesthetic solution partner….Thank You LightSheer DESIRE!!
Omar A. Ibrahimi
The LightSheer INFINITY sets the bar for laser hair removal. With two wavelengths and six possible treatment methods to choose from, I have the freedom to tailor treatments to best meet the needs of each patient. I see excellent results every day and the treatments are comfortable. Best of all, I can treat all skin types all year long.
Dr. Patricia Ortiz Garcia
If the patient has both pigment and benign lesions I combine IPL and AcuPulse in a single treatment session. I give botulinum toxin 2 weeks before AcuPulse treatment and fillers 2 to 3 weeks after AcuPulse treatment.
Professor Alina Fratila
I find the Nd:YAG extremely useful because I can successfully treat both legs with a lot of spider and reticular veins in one session without the risk of thrombosis and hyperpigmentation, a common problems in sclerotherapy. I don’t need a compressive dressing and there’s no risk of PIH.
Professor Alina Fratila
I established my vascular reputation with my Nd:YAG laser and lots of patients come to me because I perform Nd:YAG treatments. I have two long pulsed Nd:YAG devices from Lumenis in my office to coop the great demand for the procedures.
Dr. Gerd Gauglitz
Scar improvement and skin resurfacing are amazing with my UltraPulse.
Dr. Gerd Gauglitz
The UltraPulse SCAAR FX is the only laser in the world that is so effective for burn scars.
Dr. Tretti Clementoni
I am treating traumatic scars with UltraPulse® and find the results exceptionally rewarding… Range of motion and contraction both improve immediately after the first procedure. Since new collagen deposition has started, results continue to improve over time. We experience both immediate and long-term improvement.
Dr. Gerd Gauglitz
I treat atrophic and other types of scars, resurface skin, and treat rosacea and lentigos with M22. Striae treatments are becoming more and more popular with the M22 in my clinic and we have convincing results from our clinical studies proving high efficacy and safety of ResurFX module of M22 for treating striae and self-harm scars