Dr. Francesca de Angelis
My patients are extremely happy with their ResurFX treatments and I receive many calls from their friends and families for treatment.
Dr. Tretti Clementoni
Results with the ResurFX are superb on stretch marks and thin scars. As for rejuvenation, the ResurFX makes the skin brighter
Professor Alina Fratila
With ResurFX, the settings work well and the risks are low. It’s a great system to start with.
Dr. Tretti Clementoni
Results with the ResurFX are superb on stretch marks and thin scars.
Dr. Gerd Gauglitz
I treat atrophic and other types of scars, resurface skin, and treat rosacea and lentigos with M22. Striae treatments are becoming more and more popular with the M22 in my clinic and we have convincing results from our clinical studies proving high efficacy and safety of ResurFX module of M22 for treating striae and self-harm scar
Dr. Gerd Gaugliz
I favour the Photofractional, because with this combination patients make only a single visit and they get double results.
Dr. Gerd Kautz
We see great results with IPL, but with Photofractional we improve pigmentation, skin texture, redness, blood vessels, pigments, and pores in only one combined session. Patients have a treatment on Friday and they go to work on Monday.
Dr. Patricia Ortiz Garcia
Downtime with the Photofractional is minimal and results are visible and similar to those of more aggressive techniques. My patients appreciate the Photofractional a lot!
Professor Alina Fratila
With ResurFX, the settings work well and the risks are low. It’s a great system to start with. In addition, combined with M22’s IPL in Photofractional treatment, the results are even greater and patients are extremely satisfied.
Dr. Gerd Kautz
We see great results with IPL, but with Photofractional we improve pigmentation, skin texture, redness, blood vessels, pigments, and pores in only one combined session. Patients have a treatment on Friday and they go to work on Monday.